Marianne Williamson is announcing her candidacy for president, and it happens to fall on March 4th, my 40th birthday! I’m proud to throw my support behind her campaign because I believe that she brings fresh ideas and an important perspective to today’s national political dialogues.
Centering compassion and peace at the core of public policy discussions is a vital antidote to the unbridled capitalism of our time which is fueled by division and greed, benefitting a tiny few at the expense of the rest of us.
Whether or not Marianne can ultimately win the nomination is less important to me than the overall impact she’ll have, but I share in her belief in the goodness of the American people and her belief in everyday miracles.
As a gender nonconforming, big-dreamy thinker, I know what it’s like to not be taken seriously. People get off on bullying, smearing, and marginalizing Marianne. I’ve met her twice. Marianne is someone whose big ideas and whose courage to center her work in love are anchored by a depth of historical knowledge and a matured wisdom on what practical steps we can take to form a more perfect union. In other words, she’s serious about this. It’s her life’s work. Much like Thich Naht Hanh taught Engaged Buddhism, she too brings forth a way of harnessing her spirituality to propel her engagement with politics and the world.
The hounding of her on her spirituality is steeped in misogyny and is reminiscent of the racialized attacks on Barack Obama’s association with a certain progressive pastor. When Marianne talks about the power of prayer she is chastised, but no one questions it when Biden prays. Why is it considered “kooky” when Marianne talks about the power of prayer and miracles, but perfectly mainstream and without question for Biden to believe that wine turns into the blood of Jesus? Any person of faith understands that you can believe in the power of miracles, prayer, and other supernatural phenomena while also supporting science and modern day medicine.
Corporate Democrats and their allies in the media will stop at nothing to frame Marianne as “unserious” because she, like Bernie Sanders, speaks powerfully on inequality and the need for deep systemic change so that Americans can experience the freedom to live without the burden of medical, educational, and other unfair debts.
And speaking of debts, Marianne knows that the United States has the money to prioritize reparations for the crime of slavery. Her depth of knowledge and willingness to speak on issues pertaining to race serves as an important role model for white allyship.
Marianne will voice the frustration of those of us who feel let down by the political and corporate fat cats on both sides of the isle. They are gaining money and power at record levels, while the rest of us are pushed aside from accessing a fair shot at the American Dream.
Marianne understands that while greed-driven CEOs help big pharmaceutical and health insurance companies rake in billions, families are hurting from medical debt. While oil company CEOs make hundreds times that of the everyday worker, Americans all over the country are facing extreme water and air poisoning right in their backyards. While the CEOS and investors of the railroads and airlines get mega rich, their negligence is making us all less safe. While big monopolistic factory farm corporations get subsidies and rewards for their greedy behavior that hurts workers and the environments of rural communities, family farmers suffer.
Marianne understands that we must prioritize peace in our hearts and in the world at large. Her support for the creation of a Department of Peace is critical as we are so dangerously close to the brink of nuclear war.
There will be times when I disagree with Marianne, or any candidate for that matter, but I contend that if you support democracy and freedom of speech, you should welcome her into the race.